YOGA : Art of Living and Science of Well-being

What is YOGA ?

               "The art of  Living and Science of well-being"

The origin of yoga word is from Sanskrit root "yuj" which means 'Union' or 'to Yoke' or 'to join'. Yoga is an inner science, in which human being can achieve Union between the body and the mind to  self consciousness through the proper performance of duties in everyday life. The aim of yoga practice (sadhana) is to overcome and insure all kinds of suffering that leads to a sense of freedom in every walk of life with holistic health happiness and harmony.   


The roots of yoga are in ancient India, it's universal origin is the burning desire in the heart of the philosophers (The founder of philosophical thoughts -Vedic seer, ancient yogic gurus,  Maharishi, Mahavir, Buddha, Christ, Mohammad and Sufi have dedicated their live to the quest of understanding the source of suffering of mankind)- the yearing to be happy and free of suffering.

Diversity of social structure of the world, but at the land of Yoga, reflect a love for ecological balance, tolerance towards others system of thought and a compassionate outlook towards all creation. It is orientation to a comprehensive health both individual and social, make it a worthy practice for the people of all religions, races and nationalities.

Nowadays, millions of people benefited by practicing yoga and promoting ancient culture till now. Yoga is being practiced as an art of Living and science of wellbeing across the globe.

Traditional Schools / Kinds of Yoga ~

By the time, different philosophies forms different traditional schools. Theses include Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Patanjala Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Dhyan Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jain Yoga, Bauddha Yoga etc. Each school has its own approach and practices that lead to the ultimate aim and objective of yoga.

The Fundamental of Yoga ~

* Yoga works on the level of one's body, mind, emotion and energy.
* This has given rise to four broad classification of Yoga: 
Karma Yoga - where we utilise the body, Jnana Yoga - where  we utilise the mind,
Bhakti Yoga - where we utilise the emotion,
Kriya Yoga - where we utilise the energy. Each system of yoga we practice falls within the the gamut of one or more of these categories.
* All ancient commentaries on yoga have stressed that it is essential to work under the direction of a guru.

Yogic Practices for Well-Being ~

* The widely practiced Yoga Sadhana are: You, Niyama, Asana, Pranayam, Pratyahara, Do, Do, Samadhi, Bandhas and Mudras, Satkarmas,Yukta-hara,  Mantra-japa, Yukt-karma etc.
* Yama's are restraints and Niyama's are observances. Asanas, capable of drinking about stability of body and mind.
* Pranayam consist of developing awareness of one's breathing followed by willfull regulation of respiration is the functional or vital basis of one's existence.
* Pratyahara indicates dissociation of ones consciousness (withdrawal) from the sense organ which connect with external objects.
* Dhyana (meditation) is contemplation.
* Dharana indicate broad-based field of attention which is usually understood as concentration.
* Bandhas and Mudras are practice associated with Pranayam. they are viewed as the higher yogic practice that mainly adopt certain physical gesture along with control over respiration.
* Satkarmas are detoxification process that are clinical in nature and help to remove the toxins accumulated in the body.
* Yukta-hara advocates appropriate food and food habits for healthy living.

Food for Thought (Diet) ~  

A few dietary guideline can ensure that the body and mind are flexible and fill prepared for practice. A vegetarian diet is usually recommended and for a person over 30 years, tow meals a day should suffice, except in case of illness or very high physical activity or labour.

Health Benefits of Yoga ~

The few mechanisms through which Yoga work as an integrated mind-body medicine:

1. Cleanses the accumulated toxins and generate a sense of relaxed lightness.

2. Create positive antioxidant enhancement neutralizing free radicals while enabling rejuvenating to storehouse of nutrient packed with life energy to work on anabolic, reparative and healing processes.

3. Physical balance and sense of each with on self enhance mental emotional balance and enable all physiological process to occur in healthy manner.

4. Improve control over automatic respiratory mechanism though breathing pattern that generate energy and enhance emotional stability.

5. Focuses The mind positively on activities being done, inhances energy flow and results in healthy circulation to the different body part and internal organs.

6. Enhance our pain threshold and coping ability in responding to external and internal stressors.

7. Enhance self confidence and internal capacities through the cultivation of right attitude towards life and moral ethical living.

8. In addition to its preventive and restorative capabilities, Yoga also aims at promoting positive health that will help us to tide over health challenges that occur during our lifetime.

Facts on Physical benifits of Yoga ~ 

• maintaining a balanced metabolism
• increase flexibility
• improve respiration, energy and vitality
• weight reduction
• protection from injury
• cardio and circulatory health.
• increased muscle strength and tone
• improved athletic performance
• posture begin to correct itself over time

Scientific Study of Yoga ~

Modern day lifestyle has brought in many challenges to health and become a major cause for many  ailments among people across the globe:
Improper dietary habits,
& Sedentary living have led to decline in health, performance and led to disease such as:
Cardiovascular disease,
Metabolic disorders and cancer. Can Yoga be a penacea for all these modern day problems ?
Modern day, faulty lifestyle Yoga useful in combating these disorders and shows that science and spirituality need not always be treated as separate entities. Yoga has potential to solve lifestyle problem and psychosomatic disease. Several scientific research evaluate and validate the beneficial effect of Yoga. The studies indicate improvement in physical and cognitive performance, improvement in thermoregulatory efficiency, body flexibility and stress tolerance. It also strengthens our immunity thereby preventive diseases.

Promotion of Yoga ~

* UNESCO inscribe Yoga in the representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity during the 11th session of the held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in December 2016.
* Inclusion of Yoga in National Health Policy 2017.
* Yoga in School Curriculum: Yoga education was made compulsory by National council for Teachers Education (NCTE).
* Yoga Olympiad: NCERT has taken the initiative of "Yoga Olympiad" for school children.
* Yoga Certification Board: Established by Ministry of AYUSH.

Yoga is a science and a way of healthy living which help to achieve a harmonious personality.
Yoga is providing to be the most desirable traditional system of Health and well-being in the present scenario.

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