COVID-19 created panic in the country first case of COVD-19 on January 30 in Kerala.On 22nd March 2020, a total of number of 327 cases of COVID-19 (286 Indian nationals and 41 foreign).
On 22nd March COVID-19 case ls report from 23 States/UTs ~
Total Case 327
Death 6
Recovered 23
In States and UT's~
Maharashtra 64
Kerala 52
Delhi. 27
Uttar Pradesh 25
Rajasthan 24
Telangana 21
Karnataka 20
Haryana 17
Punjab 14
Gujarat 14
Ladakh 13
Tamil Nadu 6
Chandigarh. 5
Jammu and Kashmir 4
West Bengal. 4
Madhya Pradesh 4
Andhra Pradesh 3
Uttarakhand 3
Odisha 2
Himachal Pradesh 2
Puducherry 1
Chhattisgarh 1
Bihar 1
Government of India closely monitoring the situation of COVID-19 through Disaster Management Act 2005 to prepare and containment of the virus.
Janata Curfew ~
Prime Minister Narendra Modi calls on for self-imposed citizen curfew on 22 march 2020 in reparatory move to fight the pandemic coronavirus COVID-19.Nationwide janatha curfew scheduled from 7 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the evening. It is a part of social distancing to check the spread of the deadly virus.
Today (22nd March) - According to media reports, Cities across country wear deserted look. (Indian cities go into lockdown mode).
Modi Ji tweet- "Stay Home, Stay Healthy". He added - "Resolve & Restraint" to fight the Coronavirus had asked the Countrymen to Observe a 'Janta Curfew'.
According to WHO ~Indian Government action against COVID-19 ~
- The COVID-19 infection rate in India remains low relative to population size.
- Some credit fast government action to quarantine people and shut borders.
- Response is “impressive” says the World Health Organization.
- But officials are still preparing for broader outbreak and community transmission.
India reported its third death from COVID-19 on Tuesday.
Despite being the world’s second most populous country, with more than 1.3 billion people, the nation has reported three deaths and around 150 cases, giving rise to questions about why the virus has not spread as rapidly as elsewhere.
For some, the answer is the fast action that India’s government took as the virus spread from China to many parts of the world. And if the relatively low number of cases continues, it could make the nation a blueprint for others seeking to limit the impact.
Taking rapid actions to limit travel by suspending visas and quarantining all incoming travellers has helped. All international passengers entering India undergo Universal Health Screening. According to health officials, more than 1 million passengers have been screened at airports, limiting the entry of coronavirus.
The coordination between Central and state government for strengthened and community surveillance,quarantine facilities,isolation wards, adequate PPEs, trained manpower, rapid response teams for management of COVID-19.
*Shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
*Persistent pain or pressure in the chest.
*Bluish lips or face.
This list is not all inclusive please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.
In more lethal cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.
• Running nose
• Sore throat
• Cough
• Fever
• Difficulty breathing (severe causes)
COVID-19 Symptoms~
The symptoms may appear 2 - 14 days after exposure👉*Fever
*Shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
*Persistent pain or pressure in the chest.
*Bluish lips or face.
This list is not all inclusive please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.
In more lethal cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.
According to World Health Organisation(WHO) ~
People may experience 👉• Running nose
• Sore throat
• Cough
• Fever
• Difficulty breathing (severe causes)
Treatment of COVID-19 ~ There is no specific medicine to prevent or treat COVID-19. People may need supportive care to help them breathe. Making medicine and vaccine to Fight against COVID-19 is under process.
Government steps for Awareness ~
*Electronic and social media in local language,
*Local cable TV channel,
*Phone messages,
*Audio announcement an FM radio and helpline number for preventive measures.
Protection Measures~
*When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow and tissue.
*Throw tissue in close bin immediately after use.
*Greet people with a wave, a nod , a bow and avoid hand shake or physical contact.
*Regular washing your bare hands provide more protection against COVID -19.
*Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
*Work from Home
*Work from Home
MoHFW, Government of India recommended👉
Do the Five 🖐️
Help Stop Coronavirus
1. Hand wash regularly
2. Elbow cough into it
3. Face don't touch it
4. Space keep safe distance
5. Feel Seek ? Stay home.
MoHFW Helpline Number- +91-11-23978046