How to earn money in times of COVID-19?

Despite the bad economic situation, there are many jobs that allow you to earn money: we will tell you some ways that now accumulate a greater demand.

The coronavirus seems that, unfortunately, it still has a way to go. It is true that the advancement of vaccines represents a ray of hope for the future of longer scope. However, there are still difficult times ahead. Everything points to difficult moments remaining on the economic plane. At least until mid-2021. During all this time, many have lost their temporary jobs and even some permanent contracts. On the contrary, you have to remain calm.

Earn Money During COVID-19

Some are fortunate to continue developing their employment from their homes, but others cannot count on that opportunity. However, there are some options to generate extra income by telecommuting. And the thing is that the Internet offers various business possibilities that can be done without having to leave home. There are many ways you can earn money, and there are many jobs that are more staffed today than ever.

What are the best methods to generate returns in times of COVID-19? Take note of the most important ones.

Messengers and Delivery Men:

The delivery job is one of the most staff-intensive jobs you will need after the pandemic is over. Confinement has meant that a large sector of the population that still resisted using the internet to buy, has learned and has already become accustomed to comfort. In addition, the delivery of food at home has created jobs. It is a job in which practically anyone who has a driver's license can work, since the requirements they usually ask for are not very difficult to achieve.

Online Classes:

If you have a computer and an internet connection, it is time to teach online. Students can pay you by PayPal or by bank transfer. These days many people are embracing themselves with a second language. You just have to register on one of the platforms that serve as a link between students and teachers such as Duolingo or Busuu, Zoom, Google Meeting etc. If what you are good at is mathematics, you can offer your services on the Class gap platform. In this case, the application offers 15 free minutes before starting the training so that you can discuss with the teacher what the objectives are and check what the student needs.


Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.

In simple words-

You will Help in selling other Companies Services or Products and in return you will get Commission money.


That kind of marketing is called Affiliate Marketing,


Example for Amazon is the world’s largest online shopping site. If I sell Amazon’s Goods, Amazon will give me some commission in exchange for that is Affiliate Commission.

Cleaning and Disinfection Staff:

Cleaning and disinfection have become one of the priority tasks of practically any business. Covid has shown the need for hygiene and it is a trend that will continue in the coming months. It is an interesting alternative to earn money.


On the other hand, this crisis has also multiplied the need for many companies and organizations to establish help, management and sales services by telephone and this is a job that in many cases can even be done by teleworking.

I work as a freelancer

There are many jobs jobs that can be done with a computer and an internet connection. If you do not have any skills for it, it is never too late to train in something that allows you and you like it.

Also Read: Earn Money from Home

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