Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Climate Change/Conference of Parties (COP)/Cop 27/UNFCCC/Paris Agreement/India action on Climate Change etc. based Current Affairs & Contemporary issues. It is useful for various competitive exams like UPSC, UPPSC, BPSC, IAS/PCS and others.
Q 1. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) at ongoing 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) 2022 held in (or) Which
country will host the COP 27 Conference 2022?
- France
- Egypt
- Italy
- India
2. Egypt: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) at ongoing 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) in Sharm
el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Q 2. What is the focus of COP 27?
- To achieve the goal of the Paris Agreement
- To achieve the goal of the COP21
- Both
- None
3. Both: Countries gathered at the Sharm el-Sheikh Climate
Change Conference (COP 27) to take steps toward meeting the global climate
goals set forth in the Paris Agreement (at COP 21) and the Convention.
Q 3. How many countries attend COP27?
- Less than 190 Countries
- More than 190 Countries
- 190 Countries
- None
2. More than 190 Countries: More than 190 nations' delegations
and international leaders are scheduled at the COP 27 summit.
Q 4. Who is the COP27 president?
- Sameh Shoukry
- Abdul Shalah
- Abul-bin-shah
- Bashar Ali
1. Sameh Shoukry: By 2030, the Sharm el-Sheikh Adaptation
Agenda, unveiled by COP27 President Sameh Shoukry, would increase resilience
for those residing in the most climate-vulnerable localities.
Q 5. What is full form of LiFE at the side event held at
India Pavilion at COP 27?
- Life for the Environment
- Lifestyle for the Environment
- Leader for the Environment
- Light for the Environment
2. Lifestyle for the Environment: The campaign aims to inspire
young people between the ages of 18 and 23 to spread the word about sustainable
Q 6. What is objective of the Paris Agreement/Accord?
- Decrease Global Warming below 2 degrees Celsius
- Decrease Global Warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius
- Decrease Global Warming below 1 degree Celsius
- None
1. Decrease Global Warming below 2 degrees Celsius: The Paris
Agreement aims to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius over
pre-industrial levels and make efforts to keep the rise in temperature by 1.5
degrees to a minimum.
Q 7. The Paris Agreement is a
- Legally binding
- Not Legally binding
- Convention
- None
1. Legally binding: The Paris Agreement is a legally binding
international treaty on climate change.
Q 8. When was adopted Paris Agreement?
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
1. 2015: Paris Agreement was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21
in Paris, on 12 December 2015.
Q 9. How frequently is a cop held?
- Every two year
- Every Year
- Every three year
- Every four year
2. Every Year: The COP meets every year, unless the Parties
decide otherwise.
Q 10. How many countries signed the Paris Agreement?
- 192 & EU
- 190 & EU
- 191 & EU
- 193 & EU
4. 193 & EU: As of September 2022, 193 Nations & European
Union (EU) (194 Parties) members of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) are signed to the agreement.
Q 11. What is basic goal of UNFCCC?
- Reduce Green House Gases
- Reduce only Ozone depleting Gases
- Reduce Industrial Pollution
- Reduce Plastic Use
Q 12. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) is also known as
- Kyoto protocol
- Vienna convention
- Earth summit
- Montreal Protocol
3. Earth summit: The United Nations Conference on Environment
and Development (UNCED), also known as the 'Earth Summit', was held in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil (1992).
Q 13. Where the 9th Digital Earth Summit 2022 held?
- Chennai
- Bangaluru
- New Delhi
- Mumbai
1. Chennai: The 9th Digital Earth Summit 2022 held in Chennai,
by the Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University.
Q 14. When was the first National Action Plan on Climate Change
(NAPCC) for India launched?
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
2. 2008: The Government of India launched National Action Plan
on Climate Change (NAPCC) on 30thJune, 2008 outlining eight National Missions
on climate change.
Q 15. When was the first UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP)
meeting held?
- 1992
- 1995
- 1998
- 2000
2. 1995: The first Conference of the Parties (COP 1) to the
UNFCCC was held in Berlin, Germany in 1995.
- Reduce GHG
- Reduce Ozone Depleting gas
- Preventing “dangerous” human interference with the climate system
- All of These
- Patricia Espinosa
- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
- Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
- Kristalina Georgieva
- Stubble Burning
- Industrial Pollution
- Fossil Fuel Burning
- Volcanoes
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